This is the home of Intergalactic Enterprises. Nothing here is for sale.
I am Wastrel, aka WastrelWay and Wastrel Way, and this site is in part things that I have written. To communicate with me use `ssh gameplayer@iWastrel.com`. You can also play some games there. The password is 'playgames'.
Remember your personal login and password. If you forget, the only way to fix it is to create another account and leave me a message so I can get you set up
again. I will personally check who you are. On the other hand, you can have as many accounts as you want and stay logged in as long as you want... or at least
until the server needs to be rebooted, which is rarely.
Gripes, comments, flames, questions, suggestions etc. may be submitted by selecting the comment item on the gameplayer menu. Or you can go to the SPAM page.
"Stories" includes not only serious fiction but true stories, jokes and utter nonsense. There may be references to H. P. Lovecraft.
Articles from the Wastrel News Network and lesser news sources, such as CNN and Fox.
Usually serious. Includes criticism of bad media and artistic failures.
Some things that might be useful. Recipes.
Selected questions and comments and the replies to them.
Old games that you can play in your browser.
Can you draw a dollar bill?
What is a clock? Anything that undergoes irreversible changes. What does that mean?
NASA finds places on the Moon that have livable temperatures.
There may be more water underneath the oceans than in them.
Writing may have begun when humans tracked the seasonal habits of animals.
The philosophical implications of spider webs as an example of extended cognition.
"[O]ur bodies are certainly in space, and our minds are not, in the very straightforward sense that the assignation of linear dimensions and locations to them or to their contents and activities is unintelligible."
The XY Problem explained. Problem-solving means addressing the problem, not asking about the attempted solution.
Collect the whole set! Number 5 will blow your mind!